Home / Health and Wellness / Recovery / ARORP + MATPDOA

Medication-Assisted Treatment – Prescription
Drug and Opioid Addiction

About the grant

The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to enhance/expand treatment service systems to increase capacity and provide accessible, effective, comprehensive, coordinated care, and evidence-based medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to individuals with opioid use disorders seeking or receiving MAT. This program will help to increase access for individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), including individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, sexual and gender minority communities; as well as decrease illicit opioid use and prescription opioid misuse.

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Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership (ARORP)

ARORP logo

About the grant

The Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership (ARORP), an initiative of the Association of Arkansas Counties and the Arkansas Municipal League, represents a network of organizations committed to providing support for Arkansans in recovery, neighbors suffering from a substance-misuse disorder, and families who have experienced loss due to the opioid epidemic.

ARORP is working to abate the devastating loss caused by opioids. When Arkansas counties and cities band together behind a cause, change happens. 

ARORP’s message is simple: be bold, stand together and commit to abating opioid misuse and addiction in Arkansas.